• (312) 450-0719
  • info@embraceyourbrandllc.com
  • Chicago, IL

The Content Marketing Gap: Why Small Businesses Are Missing Out (and How to Fix It)

Having a strong online presence isn’t a luxury for small businesses anymore – in today’s digital world, it’s a necessity. While many businesses understand and leverage the power of their websites and social media profiles to increase online visibility, a surprising number overlook content marketing, creating a significant “content marketing gap.” Think of this gap as representing your company’s missed […]

Copycat No More: Stand Out with Templates

Templates are a marketer’s secret weapon. They provide pre-formatted structures for blog posts, emails, social media posts, and more. But behind their ease of use is a lurking danger you should know about – the dreaded copycat syndrome. We see a template, fill in the blanks, and end up with perfectly good content that blends in with everyone else’s. The […]